Legal Analysis: Professional CMA or BPO
We know sometimes you need an analysis but not to sell. We can help with that. Because it is a professional opinion accepted by lawyers and judges, it is a paid service per property. Please note, cart price is for residential (under 2000 sq.ft.) and final amount due will be billed separately such as for multi-family or multiple properties are billed separately.
We know sometimes you need an analysis but not to sell. We can help with that. Because it is a professional opinion accepted by lawyers and judges, it is a paid service per property. Please note, cart price is for residential (under 2000 sq.ft.) and final amount due will be billed separately such as for multi-family or multiple properties are billed separately.
We know sometimes you need an analysis but not to sell. We can help with that. Because it is a professional opinion accepted by lawyers and judges, it is a paid service per property. Please note, cart price is for residential (under 2000 sq.ft.) and final amount due will be billed separately such as for multi-family or multiple properties are billed separately.